Thursday, December 28, 2006

:: Christmas With The Kranks ::

This Christmas movie made me understand the importance of Christmas to American people, it’s not just a holiday, but it’s something more than that, it’s the family day, it’s the day that everyone shares loves, wishes and goodwill to each others. Christmas means love in the family, if there’s no love in the family, the real Christmas cannot occur, like in the movie because the Krank’s daughter has to go to South Africa, so her parents don’t feel like it’s Christmas anymore when one of the family is missing.
Then, Mr. and Mrs. Krank decided to skip the Christmas party and plan to go to Caribbean Cruise Trip instead. It’s really funny how they tried to escape from their neighbors who disagree with them about skipping Christmas and try every way to persuade them to join Christmas party. This movie composes of many funny scenes that make this movie a very enjoyable movie to watch in Christmas time like now.
My favorite scenes are the scene in the supermarket where Mrs. Krank compete with another old woman to chase for the last ham piece but unfortunately fall into the cartridge (LOL) and another scene is the scene that the Krank knew that their dauther is coming back home for Christmas party, so Mrs. Krank try to make up on her husband to disguise his tan skin but his face is too white with too much base powder and Mr. Krank say that “I looks like my mother who has died about 15 years ago ” (LOL), it’s funny to watch this movie and in the same time, it let me know that like my favorite Christmas movie “Love Actually” says “Actually love is all around us in family, friends, or even neighbor ”.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

:: Sergeant Rutledge ::

This movie make me a little bit bored with the overwhelming length of the movie and the way the story goes by being told by each one in the court, this make the movie hard to understand and imagine. The only one who really attract me is the court head’s wife, the old woman who always holding fan and umbrella, she is really funny and made me laugh out loud when she refuse to swear to the bible except it was written by her respected writer.

At the end of the movie, after making me so confused that who is the real murderer and then suddenly all the truth just come out with no cue before, it’s just too easy. But one thing that I really sympathize with the African-American sergeant is that whenever people become biased or prejudiced with someone, they just jump to the conclusion and judge people by their own belief.

Anyway, I think that this movie is quite a good movie in the aspect of showing us that how cruel people can do with those who’re different from them. So, the movie end up with showing us that the real murderer is noone but the white man itself. Again, what I want to say is human ethical shouldn’t be weighted by their race or nationality.

:: Chato's land ::

I found a great difficulty watching this movie without English subtitle and also with a lot of terrific scenes in the movie made me really scared. This movie composed of many action scenes that might match with action movie’s lover but not for me. Watching this movie remind me to the old bloody action movie that everyone in the movie would end up dying in the unpleasant way. The only one scene that really attract my attraction is when Chato throw the angry snake to his rival in order to let the snake bite the man to death. This made me wondering that is it gonna be realistic in the real life, is the snake that much terrific and would it really bite whomever it’s thrown to? If it was true, maybe this will be a great way to get rid of someone who we really hate, don’t you think so…

:: Indian Fighter ::

I think, this is a good Indian movie to see because it shows us that not all Indian are bad and at the same time, not all white people are good, a proof that shows us that ethical cannot be measured by race or nationality. At first I saw this movie’s title, I began wondering, is this movie about the white man hunting for Indian, but once I saw the movie, I think that the movie’s title should be changed into the “Indian Ambassador” instead, because the character called the Indian fighter in the movie do nothing but trying to build good relationship between white and red people by making love to the Indian tribe leader’s daughter.

One of the scene that really impress me is the scene that when Johnny (the Indian fighter) had to leave his Indian girlfriend to help his people, the Indian girl said,” You go away and forget, I must stay and remember” and when Johnny explain to her and ask her to smile and say goodbye to him, the girl just say “Good bye” with her really big voice, this made me a little bit funny and romance at the same time.
Another scene that I feel impressed are any scene that the boy take the photograph foe the Indian and all the Indian just freak out and jump off every time the photograph is shot, that made me really curios that at that time, did the photographing make that much noise?? If it’s true, that’s really a big noise…ha ha

:: Sacagawea ::

The story of this Indian girl makes me feel so amazing. This is a easy-to-watched movie that made me understand her thought from the beginning until the end of the movie. The movie composes of many beautiful scenes, I never known that they are in United States. This story lets me imagine that what if I was born in that time and had a chance to join in that team to explore the America new territory from eastward up to westward along the Pacific Ocean, this might be the great great adventure for me. At the end of the movie, knowing that there’re many monuments and places’ names devoted to Sacagawea made me realized that American people really believe in human equality which is not distinguished by race or gender.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

:: FriendlY PersuasioN ::

This movie is quite different from other civil war movies because this movie is full of love, fun, and faith. This story is about the Quakers family that settle at the South Indianna in the period of civil wars, they believe that war bring out sadness and lost, so they try to aviod joining in the war but when the war has come to their lives, what will they decide to do to protect their own family and hometown?

The Quakers family with the head of the family, Jess Birdwell, live happily in their farmhouse, together with his lovely family, Eliza Birdwell, his wife, whose pet goose named Samantha. Jess and Eliza have 3 children, Josh, thier oldest son, Mattie their daughter and little Jess, their youngest son. They all live happily but unfortunately the Rebel troops come across their hometown, a lot of people from their village join the ambush of Conferderate cavalry at the river, but the Quakers refuse to join in because they believe in peace. However, Josh decide to join the ambush even though it may depress his parent, together with Gard, the Union Officer in charge of the riverside ambush and also the Mattie's boyfriend. At the end of the movie, Jess decide to find Josh at the ambush, he found his son lied on the ground wounded, they come back to their house and the troop has also gone. Finally, they're back to their odinary life and live happily ever.

In my opinion, I really like this movie because this movie shows me many beautiful scenes in the movie, let me know the importance of the family like the Quakers, that try to protect their own family even though they have to join in the war, and also this movie has a lot of humors that made the movie so funny and smooth. Even though this movie is evoled in the civil war but with the wonderful happy ending, the movie can make audience feel warm and joy. I believe that this movie is such a good and fun movie for every audience.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

::: Drums Along the MOHAWK :::

After I watched this movie, I realized that what is very important to everyonem, is to keep and protect the one we love, the place we belong from the danger. As in the movie, all American fight back to the British for protecting their lives and their loved family. This is the beginning for the American Revolution, that make the great change to the world civilizaton.

This story tells us the story about Gilbert and Lina, a newly wed who move in and settle at the Mohawk Valley but they are ruined by the Indian and the British. Their farm are burned down and their house's also destroyed. Finally, Gilbert decided to join the army to fight back to the british. Even, Lana also fight with the Indian to protect her live and her own hometown. At the end of the movie, Gilbert is back with the victory of all Americans and also starts the dependent period for American people.

What I like in this movie is to know that even though wars bring lost and sadness but sometimes when we have to protect uor beloved people and place, fighting back is not that bad. Like in this movie, a lot of people died in the revolutionary war but its result that is the FREEDOM for everyone in the nation, it's worth sacrificing.